Yhonnie Scarce
Hollowing Earth 2016–17 (detail)
blown and hot formed Uranium glass
dimensions variable
Courtesy of the artist and THIS IS NO FANTASY + dianne tanzer gallery

Yhonnie Scarce: Hollowing Earth

Past Exhibitions
18 February - 14 May 2017

Yhonnie Scarce was born in Woomera, South Australia, and belongs to the Kokatha and Nukunu peoples. She is one of the first contemporary Australian artists to explore the political and aesthetic power of glass, describing her work as ‘politically motivated and emotionally driven’. Scarce’s work often references the ongoing effects of colonisation on Aboriginal people.

Hollowing Earth examines the issues related to the mining of uranium on Aboriginal land. South Australia is home to over 25 underground and open cut mines, many of which are operating close to occupied areas. Some of the substances that are being excavated in these mines are, zinc, copper, gold, iron ore, coal and uranium. As the artist describes, ‘Uranium glass has been used in this work to represent the sickness that this material inflicts on those who have been in contact with it. But also the illness that is left behind once the earth has been opened and its contents have been exposed. Each “bush banana” form identifies the desecration of country, gaping holes and scarred surfaces, all of which is the aftermath of the disrespectful behaviour that mining inflicts on the planet’.

This powerful new work has been commissioned by the Museum to be presented as part of CLIMARTE’s ART+CLIMATE=CHANGE 2017 – a festival of exhibitions and events harnessing the creative power of the Arts to inform, engage and inspire action on climate change. Visit www.artclimatechange.org.

Exhibition Supporters


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