Dale Hickey
Five Kinds of Religion 1983
oil and enamel on canvas
203.2 x 244.0 cm
TarraWarra Museum of Art collection
Gift of Eva Besen and Marc Besen AO 2001

Five Decades

Past Exhibitions
26 November 2006 - 25 March 2007

Five Decades features a selection of paintings from the TarraWarra Museum of Art collection which demonstrate prevailing themes and innovations in Australian Art from 1950 until the year 2000. Presented chronologically, the exhibitions includes artists such as Fred Williams, Peter Booth, Ralph Balson, Jeffery Smart, John Brack, Brett Whiteley and Rosalie Gascoigne. The exhibition is accompanied by recent acquisitions including the first showing at TWMA of James Morrison’s The Great Tasmanian Wars, 2004.

The Story Visit
New exhibition 'Intimate Imaginaries' now showing!BOOK TICKETS