Victoria Together: Chris O’Brien

The Cop Shop by Chris O’Brien

Chris O’Brien’s The Cop Shop follows the police procedural format of his favourite television shows Rush and The Bill. Driven by nostalgia for a different era of TV, O’Brien’s comedic spin-off mimics the generic plot points of these shows without ever getting stuck in the weeds

While trying to move his federation period home to its new location at TarraWarra, Busta and his team at Healsville Police Station investigate an aggravated burglary at the local Post Office. A suspect is apprehended, interrogated, and charged with the crime, but eventually escapes.

At least Police Constables Mudd and George Garfield were able to deal with a supernatural threat along the way, and Busta’s house lands on its new location.

Experience The Cop Shop at Victoria Together

More Victoria Together commissions: Art Place and Ideas

About the artist

Chris O’Brien is a multi-disciplinary artist who works across painting, printmaking, sculpture, digital art, and artist zines. His short-form graphic novels artist videos bring together many aspects of his practice, and he is currently writing a never-ending urban story on his passion for old houses located in Melbourne and surrounds.

His work is held in the public collection of National Gallery of Victoria, as gifted by Stuart Purves and private collections worldwide.

This project was commissioned by TarraWarra Museum of Art for Victoria Together and is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.