Victoria Together: Nat Grant

Remix Melbourne by Nat Grant

Remix Melbourne is made up of sounds that will be familiar to most people: sounds that make up the backdrop of city life.

“The project brings to the foreground, the experience of listening to the city, much as the 2020 lockdown periods in Melbourne did. As the lockdown stripped away a lot of other sounds, crowds, and traffic, we walked in the street and became more aware of these sounds that make this city.

Throughout 2020, I walked and I listened. I recorded things I heard: my own footsteps in autumn leaves, park fountains, tram bells, as a way to differentiate one day from another and to have some creative material to work with while I couldn’t access my studio or physical instruments.

This project is a way for me to share that process, allowing the audience to remix their own version of the city.” — Nat Grant

Experience Remix Melbourne at Victoria Together

More Victoria Together commissions: Art, Place and Ideas

About the artist

Dr. Nat Grant is a sound artist and producer working on unceded Wurundjeri country, with more than 15 years experience across live performance, recording and broadcast, digital arts, and community arts.

Nat’s work as a sound artist focuses on the creation of multidisciplinary, long-form musical compositions, performance events, and installations that use traditional and graphic notation as well as improvisation. Nat works in a wide range of mentoring and teaching roles that both inform and are informed by experiences as both composer and performer.

This project was commissioned by TarraWarra Museum of Art for Victoria Together and is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.

Header photo by Keelan O’Hehir

Open 11am-2pm Saturday with tickets available at the door. Closing early due to an event.